Tuesday 29 May 2018

In Ethiopian Context Advertisement Is Good or Bad

     Advertisement is in Ethiopian context either good or bad. in my opinion advertisement is bad because in this time to advert any new products and brands and also the personal  communication about organization and its products that is transmitted to a target peoples to purchase this brand but they haven’t enough money to buy this brands .Because the brand price is very high .from a marketing context advertising could be defined as a paid  form of non audience through a mass medium.  
       Therefore one kind of promotional activity separate from publicity free sales promotion not forms of communication and personal sales non impersonal nor thought mass medium advertising weakens or undermines personal autonomy. that some kinds of advertising are immoral . Advertising plays on human desires for security, acceptance, self-esteem to influence consumer choices . The dependence effect industrial production turns out goods to satisfy wants.
      So production is no long justifiable .The market is no longer self correcting and human autonomy is undermined .Advertising promotes  consumption as way of life advertising increase value of a product by creating buyers of the product .Creates  an expanding markets and actually has been shown to lower prices .And  there is no guarantee that dollars saved on advertising  could be utilized more efficiently .
    Advertising should not reduce human progress to acquiring  material goods and cultivating a lavish  lifestyle . Give special care to the weak  and vulnerable  children ,younger peoples ,the elderly ,the culturally disadvantages. There is also  enough bad around .the policy and macroeconomic  context  for industrialization is trained agriculture in Ethiopian is the foundation of the country’s economy .     

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